
Ryan CAT 11/30

  • Read 2 articles in e-learning libguide
  • Watched Illustrator Atomic Learning videos

Kate 11/28 CAT


today I  worked more on my photoshop project…..realized I don’t really like my flyer and will probably make a new one. PR/advertising is my major so  I should be good at this…right?

Happy Birthday, Jessica Biggs!


Kate Stel 11/16 CAT


First of all. Can you believe its already the 16th? Anyway, today I watched all the photoshop videos and started my poster….which is turning out to be way more involved than I originally planned….and therefore taking awhile. I also looked over scheduling things with finals and all that. yay!

Ryan CAT 11/16

  • Watched Illustrator Atomic Learning videos

Ryan CAT 11/14

  • Helped Chasadee clear data off of camcorder
  • Recorded Panopto video on how to use the doc cam
  • Looked up information on e-learning
  • Started working on an Information Commons infographic

Ryan CAT 11/12

  • Completed Access Form Training 
  • Recorded video for two business classes

Kate Stel 11/9 CAT


Finished all things WordPress today! I don’t know where to upload the checklist thingy I filled out though. But that and the quiz are done! woo! And that literally took the entire time I was here so I’ll do photoshop and professional development stuff next week. yay!

CAT 11/9

  • Worked on Access Form Training
  • Looked up information on infographics and how to create them

Kate Stel 11/8 lib


Today an FYS class decided to have a scavenger hunt in the library. It was definitely an adventure. Being scarred from that, I worked on the journalism project for my second hour.

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