Kate Stel 10/23 CAT
0OFFICIALLY DONE WITH DREAMWEAVER!! WOOO. and started watching atomic learning videos for excel. Starting with a few of the more basic videos since I’m not quite as experienced with the program. But I did get a 90% on my basics quiz! woo!
Ryan CAT 10/22
0- Completed Photoshop Atomic Learning videos
- Looked up Technology Facts
Kate Stel 10/22 CAT
0Today I did get my dreamweaver webpages into my hdrive (finally right?) But I still don’t know how to link two pages together.
I also watched a few atomic learning videos on excel and took the pre quiz. Only got one wrong!
Ryan CAT 10/19
0- Read MS265 document
- Watched some Photoshop Atomic Learning videos
Kate Stel 10/19 CAT
0Today I fought with dreamweaver for three and a half hours. figured out I have no problem creating a new page, setting up a root directory, making a style sheets, adding links to external websites, documents and to facebook and twitter, but I am still having trouble with adding a second page to the site and the steps needed to publish the site
I did finish the atomic learning videos and quiz, and have a couple different pages set up on dreamweaver but they don’t link together.
I’ll start excel Monday or Tuesday, I picked up an extra shift
Ryan CAT 10/17
0- Updated my LinkedIn profile
- Updated my WordPress site
- Read and went over Professional Development Project documents on Moodle
Kate Stelmack 10/17 CAT
0worked on imovie and uploaded to shared folder
Ryan CAT 10/15
0- Worked on my LinkedIn profile
- Looked into Google Sites
- Researched technology news and facts
Ryan CAT 9/10
0- Wen over Panopto Training
- Completed WordPress Training
Jessica Marie – 10/9 – CAT
0Today, I made some new certificates and added the necessary badges to individual pages on Wix. Then I watched more Dreamweaver videos on Atomic Learning. The next video I need to watch is D8.