a poem by [EUNIQUE]

My thoughts of course are nothing but a small series of sad stories told twice. My thoughts are nothing but a black winter in a shell of nothing static. The dark is what I tend to drift off to at any moment when I’m swimming in my thoughts. The dark where I tend to find no warmth and the only thing I find is your name burned into the back of my eyelids and carved into my ribs. These small pebbles must experience that everyday. The sound waves that tend to drip out of my ears and onto my pen-stained fingertips. The sound waves that tend to bounce from my ears to the walls of my mind. The giants that roam around in the fields of my dreams. The escape is what I try to find at the end of my misery. The feelings that seemed to be tied to an anchor at the bottom of the ocean. And now I’m back to the beginning of my thoughts.

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