a reflection by [alexis]

You wanna know what’s unfair? How we are privileged, neglected, praised and disrespected all at the same time. It’s crazy how there are problems all around us but we are happy and comfortable because it doesn’t affect us. There is a child starving to death right now somewhere but we don’t care… because it’s not us. Some people are a penny away from being broke and homeless but we don’t care because we can go home to a fridge full of food. Our parents could be one misfortune away from losing their mind and spiraling into depression. It’s also sad how a lot of us are boujee… on a budget though. Why is our pride so big that we can for once ask for help or let people know something is wrong. But we don’t care because we are to content with our lives to do so. We place the blame on everyone but who it’s supposed to be on. Some of us think we are so perfect but everyone sees our flaws. What’s also unfair is, of course, white privilege and no I’m not saying that white people really think they’re better than black people/the rest of us but I feel the need to speak on this. A young man can’t get a job because his name is De’Andre or a girl can’t even get a second look at her application because her name is Shaniya, nope too ghetto. But (don’t take offense to this) a man named Chris or a girl named Ashley at least get a chance to show why they deserve a job over the other thousand applicants. There’s another type of privilege of course, how could I forget this one: money. It’s a shame how far money could get you over hard work, dedication, or even plain talent. There’s so much wrong with people, with the world and how it works. The United States has a president who, of course, can’t have a simple conversation or meeting without doing/saying something racist, immature, or downright embarrassing. It’s sad that a white man can kill his family and get 5 years in lockup with no parole versus a black man selling drugs who gets a double or even triple that, but why? He doesn’t deserve that but no don’t believe I’m sticking up for black people because I have the same skin color. No I definitely admit us black people do dumb stuff, yes a few of us messed it up for the rest. It’s funny because I know for a fact that every black girl is not ghetto, loud and irritating and that every black man doesn’t sell dope and carry a gun around. But also, every white girl isn’t proper and intelligent and preppy, I can definitely testify on that. I’m sorry but I’m tired of this. It’s sad how some people are so stupid. It’s not about black and white anymore… it’s about plain stupidity.


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