a reflection by [jada]

Why are boys so childish? Honestly that irritates me like the things we do for you is crazy. I mean if you’re a boy have you ever had your heart broken? When you break our heart it’s like we sink in the ground. It’s hard for us not to think about the person that broke our heart. Did you know you learn something every day? Today I learned that men/boys feel the same way we do. It feels physically sickening, like a slap in the face, and you can’t breathe. But what I didn’t realize is how would they feel when breaking a girl’s heart? They feel cowardly, having the feeling of being guilty and sad and angry. People really go all out like people think they’re in love but they’re not in love with you. They think about getting married, having kids, starting a YouTube, getting a dog. There are so many things I think no humans know about love.


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