Blue’s Blog

Tales from The Trip

Kindess is Cool

Kindness. I’m totally reliant upon it. In fact, I’ve received more than my fair share of it. And, I really enjoy reciprocating that kindness and seeing others that do the same. So, when I was told about The Kindness Cab rolling into the Crossoads of America, I knew I had to hail it to Butler University.

You see, at Butler University, you can get an education in liberal arts, but no matter what degree students leave with the real aim of the curriculum is to send our grads out to not just make a living, but make a life. Not to mention, at Butler we subscribe to the Butler Way which ultimately involves putting others before yourself; that all simply boils down to kindness.

Yep, us Butler Bulldogs are all about the kindness, so again, getting The Kindness Cab and driver Leon Logothetis to campus just made perfect sense.

View all of my photos with The Kindness Cab and Leon Logothetis on Flickr.

Of course, I have the Blue II Mobile (an object of kindness) so it’s not like I need a complimentary cab ride, but here’s the thing, need a ride or not, a spin in The Kindness Cab generates cash for charity, and more specifically, literacy.

Cars of Kindness

Cars of Kindness

As a mascot for an institution for higher education, a canine with a children’s book in the works, and a dog that visits many a elementary school to read to the kiddos, I can get behind that sort of cause.

Thanks to Leon and The Kindness Cab, my little cab ride spun off $21.10 for to put to good use. Having a little fun and spreading a little kindness was never more meaningful.

Speaking of having fun, I have to tell you about my cab ride! Leon was willing to take me anywhere I needed to go (within reason), and while I had some lavish places in mind, I decided to make best use of his kind offer. So from our meeting spot outside historic Hinkle Fieldhouse, we headed just 1.4 miles east to 52nd Street and N. College Ave.; home of City Dogs Grocery.

Since I was due for a fresh bag of Holistic Select, Leon, his videographer Steven, and I loaded up the 1985 London Sterling Cab especially built for US standards and completed one of my monthly errands. Putting his money where his mouth is, Leon was all set to buy my bag of Holistic Select, but just driving me to get my food was his good deed.

A Couple of British Bulldogs

A Couple of British Bulldogs

Pops explained to Leon that the kind people at Holistic Select and City Dogs Grocery teamed to provide me with food, free of charge, each month. I think Leon was impressed, but in the back of his mind, I believe he was really thinking about how he could get such an arrangement for his Boston Terrier, Winston.

I took the opportunity to return some kindness to Leon and we picked out a nice toy for him to take home to Winston; a gift and a momento. A large warthog, probably similar in size to Winston, caught Leon’s eye and Pops picked up the tab. It was the least we could do in return for the ride and in appreciation for all of that kindness he’s been spreading around.

My ride in The Kindness Cab was short, but the memories will last for a very long time. The biggest take-away from our quick trip, besides making a connection with Leon, was a refocus for Pops and I on the importance of being kind. Well, that and a signed copy of Leon’s book, “Amazing Adventures of a Nobody,” which Pops has already read and greatly enjoyed.

So many thanks to Leon for swinging The Kindness Cab through campus and for taking time out of his schedule for me. Too kind.

Be sure to check out Leon’s video recap of his time in Indy…


And, keep up with The Kindness Cab via Leon’s blog as they complete their trip across America.

With kindness…Go Dawgs!

Blue II

There are 2 comments .

Sapphire Rings

Love the british cab 🙂

AuntBea53 —

Dear Blue,

I’ve been a fan of yours since 2009 when Duke and Butler played in the NCAA finals. Even I live in ACC country I think you’re cool. I wish the Duke Blue Devil had a cool cab like yours to get places!

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