Ravi Meibalane
I’ll never forget the first time I met Blue II. I almost tripped over him. I was on campus the summer between my junior and senior years doing research as part of the Butler Summer Institute. As I was walking to work one morning, I stopped off at C-Club in the basement of Atherton Union to buy a candy bar. I wasn’t paying much attention while leaving the building a few minutes later, or I’d have noticed a white and brown blur running toward me. Sure enough, Blue II had seen me walking out of Atherton as he and Michael Kaltenmark were walking in, and he decided that he’d rather make a new friend than do whatever it was he was scheduled for that morning. Or maybe he just wanted my Snickers bar. Michael was kind enough to let me pet Blue and say hello before continuing on with his morning. Every other time I saw Blue on campus during the remainder of my time at school, he was always happy to greet me or anyone else I was with. I suppose that in his mind, we were Butler students and that made us part of his extended family. In any case, Blue was a tremendous ambassador for the University and epitomized the values Butler is based on- hard work, teamwork, sacrifice, and selflessness. It was a pleasure having the chance to know him and to see him represent my alma mater so well in the years after I graduated. People are saying that Blue III has some big shoes to fill; I’m not sure that’s fair. Trip deserves the chance to carve out his own legacy as he takes over for his brother. Besides, there will never be another Blue II. He was the best. I’ll miss him.
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