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Posts by atutor
Amanda CAT 2/21/2013
0Today I worked on the organizations online project with Kenton and Erica.
We reviewed some of the options and created a google doc to compile our research
Amanda CAT 2/21/2013
0Today I sat in on a moodle training session for turnitin and checked in the faculty with the iPad
Amanda Library 2/19/2013
0Today I went over the things that I missed on quiz with Ginny.
I read the handouts next to the computer about general reminders and library information. I practiced scanning the references with Ginny.
I checked my emails from Erica.
I navigated around printsmart to make sure I knew how to do a color copy
Amanda CAT 2/19/2013
0Today I found some items in my bufiles that I added to my blog.
I researched the company that I was working for’s Twitter accound and found the Tweets I posted, screen shoted them and posted them.
I edited my reflection and should be done with it soon.
Amanda CAT 2/18/2013
0Today I added to my document comparing internet sites that will be good for organizations and I sent it to Erica to find a time to work on the next step of this project.
I began Panopto training reading the Quick Guides (but, I wanted to try doing some of the additions and I couldn’t find many of the buttons or icons the quick guide clearly stated they weren’t there. Maybe if I work on the mac next shift I can continue with the training and make more progress)
I edited my wordpress to make sure it was still pretty
Amanda CAT 2/15/2013
0Today I did more research to find a good online tool for groups
I updated my linkedin adding skills and a summary
I continued work on my reflection
I updated a few things on my wrodpress
Amanda CAT 2/14/2013
0Today I continued research to find a suitable program for organizations on campus, focusing on exploring outlets outside of Moodle and Blackboard
I helped Meg with her new Google Docs Request
I added a little to my reflection
Amanda CAT 2/14/2013
0Today I began work on my comparison of Blackboard and Moodle.
I started working on my reflection and saved it to my personal BUfiles to work on later
Amanda Library 2/12/2013
0Today during my library shift I completed the Library moodle quiz
I made sure my name was on the LCEasy quiz
I helped multiple students with printing and library instructions
I began researching information about comparing Blackboard and Moodle
Amanda CAT 2/12/2013
0Today I took my WordPress Quiz
I got help from Michelle to edit my WordPress page and now have it figured out for both versions free, and paid