Archive for March 27, 2013

Maddie Library 3/27/13


I answered a few questions on research and finished the first excel sheet of my new data project and sent it to Meg.

Gaby 3/27 Library


I re shelved a few music reference books, helped some alumni log in, helped with some copier and printing questions, filled the printer, and helped with color printing. I also helped a lady who called asking how to find the list of librarians on the library website.

Shannon H.-3/27-CAT


Today, Meg and I went over the Panopto and got me set up on the, sight. I also looked at some things on LinkedIn to further my professional development. A teacher came in with a problem about Moodle, and I found out how to work with the all of the restrictions on Moodle. I worked on more of the Photoshop project.

Alex CAT 3-27-13


Today in CAT I added the interview I film with Professor Davidson to the IC Promo video in iMovie and continued to edit content for the video. I also met with Liz Thompson from CCC to edit reports sent to professors using Google Forms.

Megan 3/27 Library


Today I put away some reference books and scanned a couple reference shelves. Then I quizzed myself on BUanswers questions. I feel pretty comfortable with the basic library logistics questions!

Megan 3/27 CAT


Today I spent time reviewing the Digital Storytelling training because I have my first one next Wednesday! I went through and made a mock video and thought about how to showcase different aspects of iMovie. Then I started on my Audacity training. I have been learning how to use Adobe Audition in my digital media production class and Audacity seems to have similar functionality. I put my two tracks into Audacity and am ready to make my own recording on Friday.

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