Ryan CAT 2/1
0- Checked folder permissions again and added name to the Shared Folder test file
- Worked on Professional Development Project
- Went over Digital Storytelling 101 PowerPoint with Erica
- Looked over iMovie Script (by myself)
- Went over iMovie checklist
Alex Library 1-31-13
0Today I continued to research resources for the COB Development Guide and worked on the Moodle Library quiz.
Ryan CAT 1/31
0- Finished GarageBand QG
- Checked Folder Permissions and added name to the test files
Shannon S. @CAT 1/31/13
0Today I finished my Moodle training. I finish making my mock course and made it visible. Then I started to work on my Excel training. I took the quiz and finished watching all the videos. I didn’t finish the Excel practice in me shift at CAT. On my library shift I did not want to log on then into my account to work on Excel to work on my next shift. I started the Library Quiz and look at the others portfolio and started the design for my own.
Kate 1/30 lib
0Today I got to edit photos for the library to use on Founder’s Day! I love photoshop so any other projects like that, send them my way!
Shannon S. @CAT 1/29/13
0Today I finished my iMovie Bio. I went over the iMovie Script and Digital Storytelling 101 with Meg. I also completed my iMovie Quiz.
Kate 1/29 CAT
1Today I looked at my r profile & hours on, but I am a little unsure of where the hours are listed? I couldn’t find anyone’s hours. I also added my name to the test folders and then located the bookmark template ….which for some reason was hard for me.
Alex CAT 1-28-13
0Today in CAT I continued to work on the Google Forms project for CCC. I imported data and create a pivot table to analyze the data. I also have already checked my the Appointy site for accuracy and everything is correct.