
Ryan CAT 1/16

  • Worked on professional development project

CAT 1/14

  • Read IC Student Handbook 2013
  • Edited IC Moodle page

Kate 1/15 CAT


Today I worked more on the glossary!

Shannon S. Lib/CAT 1/14


Library – Tour of the library and basic training. I also explored the LibGuide.

CAT – I had a tour of CAT and the blog. I also made my Bio.

Kate 1/14 lib


Nothing terribly exciting. The printers ran out of paper and I got to restock them and put some of the paper away. I also answered a couple research questions and worked on my linkedin

Alex – CAT


Today as part of my first shift in CAT I was introduced to the CAT blog and how to navigate and use the blog. I also introduced to Moodle and how it is used with my position. Later, I was taken on a tour of the office by Marcus. Finally I created my personal bio to be posted in the office.

Kate Stel. 1/14 CAT


Today I reset a few ipads and worked on the glossary for the IC moodle page.

Kate Stel 12/7 CAT


ok so. I just have to figure out a good time to record myself for my audacity project and I’ll be done with it! My music is all edited and put together, i just have to insert my audio. I made my linkedin profile! and if you don’t connect with me ill feel really awkward. there were also a ton (like 3) of people that came into the CAT today!

Last Shift (Meen’s CAT shift 12/04/12)


Dear Infocommons,

Since I am graduating early and today is my last shift, I would like to take to opportunity to thank everyone. I am so glad to have been part of the IC team, and to have had the opportunity to work under such wonderful people such as Eric, Julianne, Jeana, Lauren, Erica, and the associates. Thank you for your support, guidance, encouragement and for the opportunities provided to me during my time in IC.
I have learned a great deal from your leadership, superior knowledge and vision.

And thank you everyone for making this a wonderful experience here at Butler to have get to work with you all. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

Thanks again for everything.

With Kind Regards,

Meen Boriboune

Ryan CAT 12/3

  • Watched Illustrator Atomic Learning videos
  • Worked on infographic design
  • Looked up technology facts
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