The Butler ‘Alma Mater’ – Twitter Contest
Premise & Parameters
After several big Butler events over the last month or so, I must say that I have come away amazed at how many of my fellow Bulldogs do not seem to actually know the words to Butler’s “Alma Mater” by Fred W. Wolfe ’16. Rather than just belly-ache about the observation, I want to encourage the campus community to learn the lyrics. Thus, I give to you the Butler “Alma Mater” Twitter contest. Each day this week I will tweet a lyric to the song with a blank at the end. The first three people to respond correctly will each win a prize (Blue II 2012 calendar & hero card).
Ready to play? Be sure to follow me on Twitter (@ButlerBlue2) and good luck!
Monday, Nov. 28, 2011
Think you know the Butler University “Alma Mater? If so, finish this line…
“In the gallery of (BLANK)”
Answer: “memories.” – “In the gallery of memories…”
Monday Winners:
- @MPTrombley
- @nsproull
- @CarlHeck
Tuesday, Nov. 29, 2011
Think you know the Butler University “Alma Mater? If so, finish this line…
“In the gallery of memories
There are pictures (BLANK) and fair.”
Answer: “bright” – “…there are pictures bright and fair.”
Tuesday Winners:
- @katiespalmer
- @Emily_Marie_
- @jharbweave
Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2011
Think you know the Butler University “Alma Mater? If so, finish this line…
“In the gallery of memories
There are pictures bright and fair
And I find that dear old Butler
is the brightest (BLANK) that’s there.”
Answer: “one” – “…is the brightest one that’s there..”
Wednesday Winners:
- @esotericara
- @CatherinTorma
- @AgentSixes
Thursday, Dec. 1, 2011
Think you know the Butler University “Alma Mater? If so, finish this line…
“In the gallery of memories
There are pictures bright and fair
And I find that dear old Butler
is the brightest one that’s there
Alma Mater, how we love thee
with a love that (BLANK) shall fade.”
Answer: “ne’er” – “…with a love that ne’er shall fade.”
Thursday Winners:
- @NatialieLRoth
- @emilyjane413
- @Felipe_Tellez
Friday, Dec. 2, 2011
Think you know the Butler University “Alma Mater? If so, finish this line…
“In the gallery of memories
There are pictures bright and fair
And I find that dear old Butler
is the brightest one that’s there
Alma Mater, how we love thee
with a love that (BLANK) shall fade
And we feel we owe a (BLANK) to thee
that never can be paid”
Answer: “debt” – “…and we feel we owe a debt to thee…”
Friday Winners:
- @ejcberry
- @manda_gee
- @Babblin_Brooke
Thanks to all of those who participated and congratulations to the winners. Hopefully we’re all a bit more familiar with the Butler “Alma Mater” now. More great Twitter contests and giveaways to come, so stay tuned and good luck!
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