Archive for March, 2013

Gaby 3/27 Library


I re shelved a few music reference books, helped some alumni log in, helped with some copier and printing questions, filled the printer, and helped with color printing. I also helped a lady who called asking how to find the list of librarians on the library website.

Shannon H.-3/27-CAT


Today, Meg and I went over the Panopto and got me set up on the, sight. I also looked at some things on LinkedIn to further my professional development. A teacher came in with a problem about Moodle, and I found out how to work with the all of the restrictions on Moodle. I worked on more of the Photoshop project.

Alex CAT 3-27-13


Today in CAT I added the interview I film with Professor Davidson to the IC Promo video in iMovie and continued to edit content for the video. I also met with Liz Thompson from CCC to edit reports sent to professors using Google Forms.

Megan 3/27 Library


Today I put away some reference books and scanned a couple reference shelves. Then I quizzed myself on BUanswers questions. I feel pretty comfortable with the basic library logistics questions!

Megan 3/27 CAT


Today I spent time reviewing the Digital Storytelling training because I have my first one next Wednesday! I went through and made a mock video and thought about how to showcase different aspects of iMovie. Then I started on my Audacity training. I have been learning how to use Adobe Audition in my digital media production class and Audacity seems to have similar functionality. I put my two tracks into Audacity and am ready to make my own recording on Friday.

Gaby 3/26 CAT


Today I went to the LRC Workshop for test anxiety and thought about technology that could be incorporated into the program.

Amanda Library 3/26/2013


Today I helped various students with books and directions

I looked up some information about Butler Library

I started making a new Word Press that will only be used as a professional resume

Shannon S. @CAT 3/26/2013


Today I checked in with meg about my progress and such. she gave me a project making a quick guide and i stated working on that. For a majority of my shift i worked learning more about Panopto and answering email.

Maddie CAT 3/26/13


Today I reviewed the Classroom Mediation guides on Moodle, started my Linkedin profile, and began the data excel project that Meg assigned me of documenting all the info for past trainings.

Amanda CAT 3/26/2013


Today I did the check in for a Moodle training session

I helped Michelle crazily decorate Jeanna’s office!

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