Archive for April 4, 2013

Shannon S @ CAT&Lib 4/4/2012


Today in CAT I worked on professional development and the Skype quick guide. I also helped someone with blackboard and WordPress. During my Library shift I refreshed my memory on iMovie for a follow up training next week

Alex Library 4-4-13


Today in the Library I confirmed a meeting time to discuss the COB Development LibGuide with Mary Ellen Wolfsie and worked on finding a student for the IC promo video interview. I also anwsered a question on Instant Messenger regarding citing and Wikipedia.

Megan, CAT, 4/4


Created a project for Adobe InDesign and started working on creating a project for Fireworks

Ryan CAT 4/4

  • Worked on learning more about Access
  • Printed and cut Google bookmarks

Amanda CAT 4/4/2013


I printed the bookmarks for my training this afternoon

I talked to Michelle about things I needed to change

I printed my script

I went over with Michelle progress for the rest of the year

Happy Birthday, Bridget!


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