Want to Write More This New Year?

If your New Year’s resolution is to write more, the esteemed faculty of Butler’s MFA has advice for you.

Hilene Flanzbaum – Professor, MFA Program Director

Routine is everything. Decide when and where you will write and let nothing keep you from establishing and maintaining said routine. Nothing.

Dan Barden- Professor

danbarden1_100x150 Start today.





Ben Winters- Continuing Instructor

 DSC_1809Stop worrying about word counts and instead think about time: not “how much did I write today?” but “for how long was I engaged in the project of writing today?” Set definitive goals — be it a half hour, an hour, or four hours — and strive nobly to meet them.  The word count will take care of itself.


Chris Forhan- Associate Professor

chrisforhanI once heard the poet Steve Orlen exclaim, “I’m writing more than ever!  It’s no wonder:  I’ve begun a new practice of ignoring my email until I’m done writing for the day.”  My advice:  turn off the technology.  Turn away from the screen and toward the window.  And toward yourself:  pay attention not to social media but to the unsocial medium of your own mind, of yourself whispering secrets to yourself.