January Events

Butler Events

1/13 – Wednesday Writing Club
Efroymson Center for Creative Writing, 11:30 AM

Jump start your writing goals with the Butler MFA writing club. The writing club is a few hours devoted to writing with other MFA students to hold you accountable. Coffee and tea will be served. Bring a snack if you wish. This event repeats every Wednesday.

 1/19 – Roxane Gay Q & A
ECCW, 9:35 AM

Meet Roxane Gay at a small Q & A for students. This is your chance to ask a professional about craft, the life of a successful writer across multiple genres, and the publishing industry today.

1/19 – Roxane Gay
Schrott Center for the Arts, 7:30 PM

Gay will present a free reading open to the public followed by a brief Q & A. Gay’s work includes the novel Untamed (2014), the essay collection Bad Feminist (2014), and the short-story collection Aviti (2011). In November 2015, she won the PEN Center USA Freedom to Write Award for demonstrating exceptional courage in the defense of free expression.

1/22 – Dialogue
ECCW, 7:00 PM

Dialogue with Vengence. Before we all get overwhelmed with school (or in case you’re overwhelmed already and need a pep talk and a back rub), let’s meet up to talk about what we’re working on! Bring something to share, if you feel so inclined. Email Tristan with questions.

1/29 – conversations@efryomson event: Yoga and Creative Writing
ECCW, 6:00 PM

More details coming soon!

1/29 – Poetry Lunch Hour
ECCW, 12:30 PM

The Poetry Lunch Hour begins the spring semester with a discussion of Daisy Fried’s poetry. Whether it’s your first time reading poetry since that required poem Freshman year, or you hold a Ph.D in poetry, you are invited to partake in a lively discussion of poetry. All perspectives are welcome! Lunch will be provided with RSVP 24 hours in advance, and a selection of poems will be emailed so no book purchase is necessary. RSVP to mdunn1@butler.edu. All Butler students, faculty, and staff are invited, along with MFA alumni.

Indy Events

1/10- An Evening with the Muse with Patricia Cupp
Indiana Writing Center, 7:00PM

Patricia Cupp has lived most of her life in Indianapolis and retired here after 39 years of teaching. Through the Indiana Writers Center, she has worked with children and adults (most recently with women veterans) on the writing of poems and memoirs. Chatter House Press has published a first collection of her poetry: Dressing for the Weather. The free event is followed by refreshments and book signing.

1/23 – Shane Phipps
Indy Reads Books, 7PM

Phipps will read from The Carter Journals: Time Travels in Early U.S. History. Written by an eighth-grade history teacher determined to bring the past to life for his students, The Carter Journals reminds us that history is all around us—and that we daily make history of our own.

1/24 – The Basics of Book Design, Inside and Out
Indiana Writing Center, 12:00-4:00

People really do judge a book by its cover, so learn how to make one that catches the eye and entices the reader to take a closer look. The class is taught by Butler MFA student and Pressgang designer Andera Boucher.

1/26 – Vonnegut Block Party 
Athenaeum, 1:00- 3:00

Celebrate The Vonnegut Library turning five at a block party. Join us at the Athenaeum for a free, family-friendly afternoon of fun with some of our favorite organizations and mayor-elect Joe Hogsett. Digitize your favorite Vonnegut photographs and letters, contribute a banned book to our Banned Books Week “prison” wall, write a note to your local/state representative about a cause you believe in, play a game of table tennis (Vonnegut’s favorite), share what makes Indiana a special place to you, and much more.