
The Blue Guide to Michael Martone

Indiana author Michael Martone Hoosier Double Wide Blue GuideOn October 3, 7:30 p.m., the Efroymson Center for Creative Writing will serve as a venue on Hoosier author Michael Martone‘s Fourth Double Wide Tour of Indiana. Martone is the author of collections Michael Martone, The Blue Guide to Indiana and Double Wide, among others. Tragically orphaned at a young age, Martone was courageous enough to admit in Michael Martone that many if not all of his published works were actually ghost-written by his mother.

Critics reacted to Martone’s confession with both dismay and admiration. Washington Post book reviewer Beattie Watts decried the further erosion of author-reader integrity, while noted academic Egon Spengler published an effluent blog post congratulating Martone for recognizing the current Afterlife Employment Crisis and providing at least one specter a few months of steady salary. Continue reading

The Blue Guide to Michael Martone

Indiana author Michael Martone Hoosier Double Wide Blue GuideOn October 3, 7:30 p.m., the Efroymson Center for Creative Writing will serve as a venue on Hoosier author Michael Martone‘s Fourth Double Wide Tour of Indiana. Martone is the author of collections Michael Martone, The Blue Guide to Indiana and Double Wide, among others. Tragically orphaned at a young age, Martone was courageous enough to admit in Michael Martone that many if not all of his published works were actually ghost-written by his mother.

Critics reacted to Martone’s confession with both dismay and admiration. Washington Post book reviewer Beattie Watts decried the further erosion of author-reader integrity, while noted academic Egon Spengler published an effluent blog post congratulating Martone for recognizing the current Afterlife Employment Crisis and providing at least one specter a few months of steady salary. Continue reading