Welcome to Eat This, Not That: the BUTLER WAY

Eat This, Not That!That simple swap could save you so many calories!


Simply put, input equals output. If we eat our best, we’ll look and feel our best. If we eat poorly, usually our bodies find some way to make us pay for it later. Sometimes, we have no choice (or time) but to have that slice of pizza or make that late-night Starbucks run. Here are a few options that still allow us to splurge when going out, yet not feel terrible the next day. (But remember, it is OKAY to absoutely indulge once in a while!)

Dining Hall Options

Breakfast: EAT THIS. Whole grain toast with peanut butter and banana slices and a glass of skim milk. The fiber from the fruit and the bread will keep you full until lunch, and the peanut butter and milk/yogurt will give you protein = fuller longer and more energy! NOT THAT! White bagel with cream cheese and orange juice. Just one bagel is the equivalent to several slices of bread, not to mention it’s also a refined carbohydrate product, meaning less fiber and more sugar (and less filling). As for the cream cheese, if it’s not a lighter option it will just have extra fat. Finally, if you want to eat clean, ALWAYS eat the fruit instead of the juice!

Eat This … Whole Grain Toast with Peanut Butter and Banana Not That!… Bagel with Cream Cheese and OJ

Healthier whole-grain breakfast alternative

Try with skim milk or some lowfat vanilla yogurt

bagel with cream cheese and orange juice

This might look “Darn Good,” but a meal so heavy in refined carbs and slathered in added fat won’t leave

Other choices: whole grain oatmeal with fruit Beware of juices, jellies and fruit cups (added sugar)

Lunch: EAT THIS. Turkey sandwich on whole grain bread with lettuce and other veggies, carrot slices and fresh fruit (i.e. an apple) or peanut butter and jelly with fresh fruit; pair both with a lowfat or nonfat yogurt or milk. Depending on the brand of meat, turkey is one of your leanest options. That combined with filling whole-grain bread and protein from the dairy products will keep you going midday. NOT THAT. Pepperoni pizza slice and french fries with a soft drink. Greasy goodness is okay once in a while, but the sodium and added fat from the highly processed pepperoni and french fries will only weigh you down. And the soda will not keep you hydrated.

Turkey Sandwich with vegtables

Even whole grain chips such as Sun Chips would be better than the fries

pepperoni pizza with french fries and catch-up

The processed meat eat cheese the french fries totals a majority of your sodium intake for the entire day

Dinner: EAT THIS. A fish or chicken disk prepared by baking, broiling or grilling and steamed broccoli with whole grain rice (or quinoa) and ice water. Add one scoop of ice cream with fresh fruit on top for dessert. Just make sure to avoid any poultry/fish dish smothered in any creamy or cheesy sauce! NOT THAT. A cheeseburger with lettuce, tomato and mayonnaise with french fries and salad topped with creamy ranch dressing (and a soda to wash it down). More than likely, the hamburger meat is not the leanest cut, and the cheese just adds more fat. The french fries continue the trend, dragging you down. Why not the salad? To smother it in a CREAMY ranch dressing only includes extra fat and sodium into your meal, making the “healthy” idea behind the salad pointless. The soda will not fill you up, making the idea of second helpings or an extra sweet treat seem more appealing.

salmon with broccoli and quinoa

Opt for anything baked, broiled or grilled

Opt for anything baked, broiled or grilled.

Cheeseburger with fries and a soft drink

All of the toppings on your burger (i.e. mayo and ketchup) add sugar and fat. Go for fresh fruit or spinach salad for a side

 Don’t do fish?  Try chicken or roasted turkey.  See if whole wheat buns are available and skip the mayo/cheese.

The Starbucks Run!

EAT THIS: Grande Nonfat Cafe Latte with sugar-free syrup (such as a Skinny Caramel Latte: hold the whip!); You can’t even tell that the syrup is sugar free and by holding the whip you only have 120 calories and surprisingly 12 grams of protein (also good after a chilly run!). Pair with a piece of fruit and you have a sweet treat!

NOT THAT: Grande White Chocolate Mocha with whole milk and whip cream and blueberry muffin. The richness of this beverage will only make you sluggish, not energize you. Adding the muffin gives you 370 additional empty calories, setting you up for an sugar crash.

Starbucks Skinny Caramel Latte

Feel energized, not too full with this beverage (and you totally won’t feel guilty for going Grande!)

Starbucks White Mocha With Blueberry Muffin

The sweet treats will tease you with instant energy, followed by a major crash.

Other “Skinny’s”: Cinnamon Dolce, Mocha, Vanilla Beware of the “Blended Creme” Frappucinos too!


You did it… you ordered Jimmy Johns late! (ANY BUTLER STUDENT UNDERSTANDS!)

EAT THIS: Slim 4 Turkey Breast — this is probably one of the better choices, offering you a leaner cut of meat and some veggies, only adding up to about 400 calories and less than one gram of fat.

NOT THAT! #9: The Italian Nightclub — after eating one of these monsters, your stomach will be like the mob waiting to attack you for what you just ate. The excessively processed meat and cheese slathered with mayonnaise totals 948 calories, 50 grams of fat (12g saturated) and 2165 mg of sodium.

Jimmy John's Slim 4 Turkey Sandwich

You won’t feel so bad doing some late night snacking on a good protein source.

Jimmy John's Italian Nightclub

The highly processed meats and cheeses on this beast will leave you feeling stuffed, not satisfied.

Check out their other “Slim” options Steer clear of almost any sandwich titled “Club”

Late-Night Study Sessions (no cramming of course 😉 )

Obviously when it comes to college and being locked in a library or dorm or wherever, last-minute studying demands a snack. Here are some that will keep you full and focused, not bloated and tired. The main thing is to keep portions under control!


Obviously, if you have fresh fruit, EAT IT!

Orville Redenbacher’s Smart Pop! 100-Calorie mini bags

Sun Maid mini box of raisins (for that quick burst of energy.. did I mention they were also good for post-run fuel?)

part-skim mozzarella string cheese stick

PBJ (with whole grain bread a low-sugar peanut butter, you can’t go wrong)


Cheetos (processed cheese and not filling at all)

pop tarts (too many refined carbs, leading to sugar high then crash)

any hostess product such as ding dongs, twinkies etc.(will only make you more hungry)

Oreos (taste SOOOO good, but I’m a little leery on eating something that is listed as “processed with alkali”

fruit cocktail cup (usually saturated in high fructose corn syrup and several other mysterious ingredients

Eat This… Smart Pop! Not That!… Oreos

Orville Redenbacher's 100 Calorie Popcorn

The mini bags offered are perfect for portion control

Oreo Sandwich Cookies

A normal package of these, and portion control is.. well, impossible.

If you must go sweet, add two pieces of Dark Chocolate (TWO!) These are the gateway drug of junk food, spiking other cravings


Supporting the ‘Dawgs

EAT THIS: Soft pretzel (no salt or cheese) with mustard. It’s only 290 calories and has 0 grams of fat, leaving you satisfied through halftime (and no buttery or cheesy mess!).

NOT THAT: Medium popcorn — a light snack, right? If served plain and air-popped, that would be the case, but it with all the added butter and salt, you’ll consume about 600 calories by the time you reach the bottom of the bag.

Note: If you’re craving something sweet (and who wouldn’t want chocolate), go for a bar that is made of at least 65% of cacao, such as a Kit Kat.

Soft Pretzel, no cheese or salt added

Halftime hunger, as if!

Medium Popcorn

By the bottom of the bucket, the buttery “goodness” leaves you sluggish, not spirited.

Kit Kats are your best option if you have a sweet tooth like me.  Excess sugar (and colas) have you going back for more




Permanent link to this article: http://blogs.butler.edu/hrcblog/2012/08/14/eat-butler/