Harder, Faster, Stronger

The “Tough Mudder,” the mini, “The Color Run,” “Warrior Dash,” and many other races and competitions seem to have it huge right now, inspiring people everywhere to tone up, slim down, or build some bulk.  What’s the big deal with all of these competitions, and is it really worth it to pay about $50 dollars to register for a one-time event?  My vote – YES.  And here is why.

Okay, so many of these people are looking to show off that hard-earned bicep, or beat their personal best time.  But, for the rest who haven’t been eating clean or logging the miles, such an event can seem like a huge burden, if not a waste of time for so much effort.  However, I look at it this way; it’s something you might only do once, something that you can add to that bucket list.  Or, it might be a newly discovered passion.  That 5k you just barely made it through (but you DID!!!) might inspire you to go a bit further for that 10k.  Bottom line —  it is something to work for and do for YOURSELF.  Making yourself satisfied is one of the best guarantees for any fitness program adherence.  So, why not give it a shot?  That $50 might seem intimidating to any frugal spender, but that sense of achievement can make anyone feel like a million bucks.

Another thing – usually events like these donate huge funds towards a great cause.  Leukemia, arthritis, diabetes, types of cancers and heart disease are just a FEW of the charities.  If you can run, walk or bike, do it for someone who can’t.  (If your heart goes out to a certain cause, take a look at this link to see which event might be good for you.


Others who might not be as financially concerned might be worried about going at something alone.  DON’T.  This is one of the most opportune times to meet new people.  Either at registration or training sessions, you will most likely find someone who is just as nervous as you are.  Go ahead, introduce yourself – obviously you both shared similar interests from registering for the same event in the first place.

Still feel awkward about scrambling around for a buddy?  Register with someone you know!  With school, a job or other commitments, this might be the only time you and a friend might be able to spend together.  Words of encouragement from a friend might be what you need to push yourself through that next clean or final lap.

This is also a great chance to get absolutely CRAZY.  Find an event with a great cause that allows you to do something silly (i.e. wear superhero outfits during a walk or dye your hair blue for a bike ride).  The good news?  Everyone there will look just as insane as you do.  (Just make sure to go home and shower right after — no grocery trips or there will be stares).

Convinced?  Okay here are your next steps:

  1. Research – find events that you are interested in and then look for dates and times that best fit your schedule.
  2. If you are nervous, find your buddy.
  3. Save up!  Put money in a jar; take $5 out of paychecks.  It will add up.
  4. Train! — Depending on the fitness level of the event, you might think about eating a little cleaner or working out a little longer.  Even if its a charity walk, I guarantee by the event you will feel more refreshed, stronger and perhaps even leaner.
  5. Have a plan.  Getting to these types of places on your own and parking might be tricky, so I recommend carpooling setting up a meeting place.

Jingle Bell Jog in Indy!!

Permanent link to this article: http://blogs.butler.edu/hrcblog/2012/08/14/harder-faster-stronger/