31 Days of Pumpkin … Almost There

keep-calm-and-eat-pumpkin-4Let’s be honest, Tuesdays can be a real drag.  By the time I finished class, worked out and started homework, I was exhausted.  I didn’t really feel like cooking that much tonight, so after dinner I went to the kitchen, quickly grabbing the ingredients to throw this pumpkin granola together.  I had to use quick oats instead of old fashioned oats, and I mixed in some dark chocolate chips.  However, everything tasted fine and it ended up being a good study break :).  I found this recipe from the Dashing Dish; I had used some of her stuff before, so I felt confident in trying this granola recipe.  Complete directions can be found by clicking the link above, but I’ll give you a quick breakdown.  Quick note: I also halved this recipe!

Pumpkin Spice Granola


2 cups rolled oats (the blog says old fashioned but these were fine)

1 tsp. ground cinnamon

1/2 tsp pumpkin pie spice

1/4 cup baking blend of splenda

1/4 tsp of salt

1/2 tsp of baking powder

1/3 cup pumpkin

1/4 cup no sugar added applesauce

1 1/2 TBSP honey

1/2 cup dark chocolate chips or other mix-ins (like pecans)


Put the dry ingredients in a bowl.

Put the dry ingredients in a bowl.

Mix well.

Mix well.


Mix wet ingredients in a separate bowl.

Mix wet ingredients in a separate bowl.

Mix dry and wet ingredients together until oats are completely coated with wet mixture.

Mix dry and wet ingredients together until oats are completely coated with wet mixture.



Spread mixture evenly onto a cookie sheet line with aluminum foil and sprayed with canola oil.

Spread mixture evenly onto a cookie sheet line with aluminum foil and sprayed with canola oil.

Bake at 325 for 20 minutes.

Bake at 325 for 20 minutes.

Take out, turning granola over and put back in the oven for another 20 minutes.

Take out, turning granola over and put back in the oven for another 20 minutes.

Remove and let cool completely (about 30 minutes).  Break large clusters apart with your hands.

Remove and let cool completely (about 30 minutes). Break large clusters apart with your hands.

Place in bowl.

Place in bowl.

Add mix-ins, stir well and store in an air-tight container for up to a week.

Add mix-ins, stir well and store in an air-tight container for up to a week.

This is great in a bowl with milk, mixed in with some yogurt or put on top of ice cream for a little pumpkin-y crunch!









Permanent link to this article: http://blogs.butler.edu/hrcblog/2013/10/29/31-days-pumpkin-3/

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