Monthly Challenge: 12 Moves of Fitness


As you have see from November’s “No-Fear Gear” post, I love love love LOVE bodyweight workouts — they are simple, can be done anywhere you are your own resistance and you can combine cardio and strength moves for a super efficient yet super effective workout.  Being the holiday season, I of course think it would be appropriate to  make this related to a Christmas song; I particularly like the “12 Days of Christmas” song because it goes in a ladder fashion — and ladder circuits make for a really great workout!  So, let’s try the “12 Moves of FITNESS,” shall we?

These are going to be purely bodyweight moves, but assume it will be easy.  As stated above, this is a ladder workout, meaning we will do the first exercise, then the first and second exercise, then the first, second and third exercise.. and so on.  Start doing each exercise for 30 seconds, with as little of break as possible between exercises (If you are really feeling a challenge and have more time, try to do each exercise for 60 seconds).  Be sure to grab some water and towel… if you aren’t very familiar with circuit training, take it easy and of course take breaks as needed.  Let’s give it a go!  Have fun with it: I am going to list a few of my favorite bodyweight strength/cardio moves in the sample workout below, but you can mix up the order.  Try a 6-cardio:6-strength ratio if you change any of the moves — or feel free to just give this workout a go :).

Twelve Moves of Fitness

Move #1: Jumping Jacks

Move #2: Reverse Crunches

Move #3: Reverse lunge to kick: stand facing forward, lunge back with the right leg; pushing off with the left (front) leg, drive your right leg forward, performing a front kick ; from there, lunge your right leg back down.  Repeat for 15 seconds, then switch to the other leg.

Move #3: Burpees (with or without a push-up for an added challenge)

Move #4: Bodyweight Squats

Move #5: Mountain Climbers

Move #6: Plank

Move #7: 10 Tuck-Jumps!

Move #8: Bicycle Crunch

Move #9: Ski jumps

Move # 10: Glute Bridges: lie supine (back) on the mat, knees bent and feet flat on the floor, palms facing up, squeeze your glutes and lift your hips to the ceiling; lower.  Repeat for 30 seconds.

*Make sure you take the time to lower your heart rate down after this exercise.  You will be sweaty, so wipe off, have a good stretch and hydrate!

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