28 Days of Oats … Kicking Off a Few Days Late


It’s February, and still cold!  So, I have decided to implement a challenge to help me get through this month.  I’m starting out a little late, but there is still a good chunk of the month left.  For the next 23 days I have decided to kick off my day to 28 days of oats.  In some way, I’ll be incorporating whole grain oats into my morning meal whether it be a classic bowl of “porridge” or some whole grain muffins (recipe to follow!).  Honestly, what better way is there to start the day and warm up?  Not to mention the amazing health benefits oats can provide, such as improving immune function and reducing your risk for cardiovascular disease.  Oats are also a low GI food, meaning they are absorbed more slowly in your bloodstream, helping to stabilize your blood sugar.  For more information on this grain and it’s benefits, click here.

I really got into eating oatmeal religiously about a year and a half ago — right after my morning runs.  The oats would keep me full and focused throughout the morning and I felt more energized compared to just fueling up with a granola bar or yogurt.  Plus, I learned how versatile oats can be!  You can top them with fruit, cinnamon, yogurt, chia seeds — the possibilities remain endless.  I also strayed away from the “standard oatmeal” breakfast, moving on to baking muffins, breads and even smoothies.  So, stay tuned for some “oatspirations” and creations to follow!

I kicked off today with some standard oats this morning, with honey and sliced strawberries and bananas.  I feel full, happy and finally a little warmer despite the gross weather outside!  Be safe and warm everyone!iphone3 020

Permanent link to this article: http://blogs.butler.edu/hrcblog/2014/02/05/28-days-oats-kicking-days-late/

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