FTFW — Reflecting on “I Want” Wednesday



We all want nice things.  A nice house to live in someday, a car, a good job.  When we’re with friends or family, we usually talk about the things you want or wish you could have.  We’re only human — anything we do not have we desire to earn or receive.  However, are you aware you might be using these “I Want” statements for  your body?  In fact, in a survey presented by DoSomething.org, about 91 percent of women remain dissatisfied with their bodies.  Men, this goes for you too!  Another survey conducted by the Guardian (2014) revealed 25 percent men also remain unhappy with their physique.

Similar to “turn-around Tuesday,” i would like to focus on making our wants NOT related to our body.  It would also be a good idea to stray away from materialistic things too.  Here are some suggestions for “wants.”

– “I want to do well on that test”

– I want to accomplish a 5k

– I want my roommate and I to have some bonding time

– I want to read all of the Harry Potter novels

The great things about these kind of “I wants” is that they are often doable!  In order to do well on a test, you can study.  In order to run a 5k, train.  Think about your current “I wants” and try to change them around a bit.  You might be pleasantly surprised at what you can do!

Permanent link to this article: http://blogs.butler.edu/hrcblog/2014/10/23/ftfw-reflecting-wednesday/

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