Category: Advice

Suggestions and resources offered for sticky situations, burning questions or general occurrences

When Push Comes to Shove… April and May Come Together for this Monthly Challenge

Before I begin, let me APOLOGIZE for my MIA-ness.  Travels and studies have halted my posts for a few weeks (okay a month) and I’m so glad to finally get back to posting!!  Just before things start to pick up again (as my Easter travels are over and classes have resumed) I want to send …

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Part Two Monthly Challenge: Love Yourself!

Hello all, I decided to have a “Part Two” Monthly Challenge; your heart (from Part 1) is indeed important, allowing you to perform essential functions of living. However, there is one function we often tend to forget — love. However, I am not just talking about the love we have for a boyfriend or a …

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Indy Monumental Half Experience

Although a little over two weeks have passed, I cannot help but continue to reflect on the Indy Monument Half Marathon.  Perhaps it was the idea that a lot of people in the Butler/Indy community were also doing it, so going into it I already had a sense of family.  During my training, I received …

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