Although lately Indiana has been experiencing some “non-December like” weather, it is entirely possible for almost any type of weather to occur whenever.  So, it may be nice now, but in a couple of weeks you could be trapped in your home over break (either alone or with cousins, family etc.).  One way I have found extremely entertaining to pass the time is video games; INTERACTIVE video games.  I cannot stand the ones you sit and play, but I abolutely love the ones where you are up and dancing, moving around (and making a fool of yourself) in the privacy of your own home.  This is also a great family/friend bonding activity before or after a dinner or during one of those “what-should-we-do” awkward downtimes.  I am also sure there is some gaming system you have that is compatible with one of these games.  A few I might suggest include Just Dance (personal favorite), Dance Central and the Wii Active Personal Trainer.

It’s hard to believe that a video game can make you break a sweat!

Don’t feel like paying that much money for a game?  See if one of your local video stores carry it — I bet you they do :).  This is just simply a great way to spend time with family and friends (or pass the time by yourself) and break a sweat, not catching that “Holiday Slump Syndrome” we often get over break.  So, do some gaming over break, break a sweat and feel good.  The game above is definitely going on my Christmas List :).


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