Something Different

These beauties helped whip me into shape when winter weather became unforgiving!

These beauties helped whip me into shape when winter weather became unforgiving!

Before the end of December, I asked you guys if you had any goals or ideas when it came to creating new routines or habits for the New Year.  Personally, I found this task to be quite challenging.  I was preparing myself for England, thinking that this would be the perfect opportunity to engage in other activities other than running.  Technically, my training for the full marathon (the Indy Monumental in November) does not begin until July, giving me the idea of engaging in other activities and decreasing my mileage.  Therefore, at the beginning of Christmas Break I tried my best find other activities — I sought out new ways to get my heart pumping, yet maintain a balance of working major and muscle minor groups.  Truthfully, I cannot tell you I found an “instant” fix.  I craved those runs, and honestly found myself completely out of my element when trying a new plyometric routine or attempting to find my “Zen moment” during a yoga sequence.  Into two weeks of the break, I found myself frustrated, tired and completely out of my element.  I received workout DVDs for Christmas and even a yoga book, but was hesitant to try because for some reason I did not think I would reach same physiological (or emotional) benefits as I did during my runs.  However, when the winter weather came, I found I had no choice — there were no clear roads and I did not have access to a treadmill.  Reluctant but determined to find a solid workout, I popped in a DVD and decided to give it a go.  I pushed the coffee table aside, clearing space and let Mary Helen Bowers, professional ballerina and Founder of the Ballet Beautiful Workout Method, guide me with her famous grace and charm (she also trained Natalie Portman for Black Swan so I thought, “What do I have to lose”)?

15 minutes into the Ballet Beautiful DVD and my hamstrings were howling!  Making it through each 15-minute sequence (there were four in my DVD; targeting the total body, the legs, the arms and the gluteal muscles) was a challenge, but at the end of the hour I felt accomplished.  Not only had I targeted major and minor muscle groups, but I tried my best to do so with good form (trying my best to flow right from one move into the next).  After removing the DVD from the player, I took a large swig of water and made sure to stretch… a lot throughout the day.

Working out with Bowers’ DVD might seem like something small, but it truly gave me the sense of accomplishment and the willingness to try other things.  During the remainder of my break I also explored other options such as Jillian Michaels’ Yoga Meltdown and Tara Styles’ Yoga Anywhere DVDs.  I not only exposed myself to new forms of exercise, but also to instructors and their methods.  Although I did not have them around physically to correct my form, the moves became easier with practice and I could feel new muscles working.

At the end of break, I became worried I might not be able to keep up my fitness routine abroad.  I was unfamiliar with the area, did not know any local trainers, had no gym access, and arrived in wet wintry weather.  However, I made it a point to bring the DVDs I received for Christmas along, just in case I could find a place to practice some of the routines — and, for the first two weeks of being in Leeds, that is exactly what I did. I did not know my way around just yet and found myself missing home and (of course) the Butler gym.  Therefore, I popped in one of the workout DVDs (this time it was Tracy Anderson’s Dance Cardio II… which is also phenomenal) and began to sweat away my troubles in my dorm, repeating Jillian Michaels Mantra — “Get comfortable with being Uncomfortable.”

Although I know the area a little better by now and I have gym access (stories to come on my experiences at The Edge fitness center), the take-home message here is to know there is always a way to find fitness.  Who knows?  It might be something you enjoy.  I must admit, I still love (and crave) my runs but I must remember that I still need to keep my body guessing, maintaining a variety to achieve that truly balanced active lifestyle.  And in times of poor weather (or if I just have a limited amount of time) these DVDs save me!  So, give it a go — anywhere can be your gym, you can be your own trainer.  Find a mantra and stick with it.. and although it might seem a roundabout way of achieving your fitness goals, obstacles like these can certainly be complementary to them!


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    • Hannah Stiller on February 2, 2013 at 10:14 am
    • Reply

    So, so, so prod of you BB!! Takin’ England by storm, and I would expect nothing less! <3

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