You Can Talk the Talk but Can You Walk the Walk?

Alrighty my fitness friends, you have been working hard for this break; studying for midterms, making traveling plans, and, of course, working on that SOLID 6-pack!

When you picture a solid spring break,

There usually is a lot of this….

beach lounging

But how much of this?


I am in NO WAY advocating you begin a new fitness regimen on your holiday (however, if you want to, go for it :P).  However, I am encouraging a LITTLE bit of time spent walking — getting out and about!  The best part about this challenge is that it literally can be done ANYWHERE (even if you are not going anywhere!).  Walking is such a flexible activity — enjoy with a group of friends or by yourself to meditate… to just think about things (or think about nothing!).  You can get out, see new sights, enjoy friends or family, and burn off some calories!  It’s a win-win… WIN! 🙂  Runners, this is also a great cross-training activity to give your hip flexors a rest or when you are out of your training phase!

Come back refreshed, relaxed, and ready to pump out these next two months of the semester.. and don’t forget… MARCH MADNESS!!!!  Enjoy, be lazy, laugh… but don’t forget to move around a little too!  A little bit of cardio keeps a happy, healthy heart!

Safe, fun and FIT travels everyone!



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