Category: Nutrition Condition

A guide to eating right in college

The “Monstrous Munchies”… How to Stay Satisfied this Halloween

Halloween Candy

One BLOODCURDLING thought: Americans are expected to spend $2.35 MILLION on Halloween candy alone this year.  That’s a few, RITZY gym memberships (Source: Press Releases, 2012). It’s Halloween.  The best time of year.  There is the chilly fall weather, the costumes, the haunted houses, and the CANDY.  It is one of those times we indulge, …

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Eat in Color

Skittles are not the only way you can taste the rainbow!  Read more to see the benefits of adding more color to your diet via fruits and vegtables. The link explains why each color is important and what it can do for our bodies.  Some of the chemicals in thecolors can become tedious, but skim through …

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Nutrition Condition Intro

Students Eating

Now on our own, we don’t always have that homecooked meal or immediate access to the fridge. Portion sizes become harder to control, and the “right choice” isn’t always available. Before you know it, pounds are picked up, and you just feel terrible from all of the junk going into your body. Of course, the …

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