Category: Fitness Findings

The latest fitness trends

In Your Shoes: Which Running Shoe Is Best for You?

When thinking of switching up my shoes, I often ask my runner friends which shoe they would recommend before going to try some on.  The truth is, I get mixed feedback, telling me to either “go minimal” or “stick with a more structured shoe.”  Although the advice might be good, I have learned (the hard …

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Welcome Back! A Summer Fitness Timeline

Hello all and welcome back to campus!  As the semester begins to unfold, I would like to take a minute and reflect on  summer.  Looking back, everything seemed to fly, but I actually managed to do a lot!  Below is a timeline outlining all of my fitness/healthy foodie finds and training over the past few months.  …

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Love Fitness and Following the World Cup? READ THIS!

Every four years, many wait to celebrate summer by watching soccer, “football,” or “footy” played by the world’s best.  The last World Cup, hosted by South Africa in 2010, had a total of 3,170,856 attendees during all 64 matches (FIFA, 2014) and its popularity continues to grow.  Our very own U.S. team trains an average of three …

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SUMMER ’14 Challenge: Follow your feet

Hello Everyone!   Congrats all you Butler grads!  I hope you all have had a wonderful start to your summer — I know it hasn’t taken me that long to get into “vacation” mode.  It seems a lot has happened in one month.  I’ve visited England, visited my parents and continue making plans for the rest …

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Track Better Time With April’s No Fear Gear!

As the year begins to wind down, our lives begin to speed up.  It seems like projects, tests and other events all happen at once.  Our time is precious, and we want to make the most of it — especially when it comes to our workouts!  This time of year I find myself doing more …

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